On Wed, 2004-04-28 at 21:14, JD Daniels wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want do soemthing like this from the samples:
> Flow:
>     // also store the form as a request attribute as the XSP isn't
> flow-aware
>     cocoon.request.setAttribute("form_model_gui", form.getWidget());
>     cocoon.sendPage("form_model_gui-success-pipeline.xsp");
> XSP:
>   <xsp:structure>
>     <xsp:include>org.apache.cocoon.woody.formmodel.*</xsp:include>
>   </xsp:structure>
> <p>
>       <xsp:logic>
>         // get reference to form and some of the widgets on it
>         Form form = (Form)request.getAttribute("form_model_gui");
>         Repeater repeater = (Repeater)form.getWidget("widgets");
>       </xsp:logic>
>       Repeater has <xsp:expr>repeater.getSize()</xsp:expr> row(s).
> </p>
> Using V2, I get a classCastException on Form form =
> (Form)request.getAttribute("form_model_gui");
> Anyone know why?

With V2, the object you get from form.getWidget() isn't the java Form
object itself but a javascript adapter for it. The real java form object
is also stored in a request attribute called "CocoonFormsInstance", so

Form form = (Form)request.getAttribute("CocoonFormsInstance");

in the xsp should work.

Bruno Dumon                             http://outerthought.org/
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