I have a question about jx:forEach.

I would like to consistently use either Jexl or JXPath. In my case, I have
chosen JXPath.

I have a <jx:forEach> construct as follows:

  <jx:forEach select="#{pageComponents}">
    <ci:include src="skins/#{skinName}/#{.}.xml"/>

The problem is that I am getting this error:

org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Failed to execute pipeline.:
file:/path/to/jx/file:org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathException: No pointer
for xpath: skinName

However, if I do the following (with Jexl), everything is ok:

  <jx:forEach select="#{pageComponents}">
    <ci:include src="skins/${skinName}/#{.}.xml"/>

The following also causes no problems when the #{skinName} is not inside the


  <jx:forEach select="#{pageComponents}">

So this is really related to the use of a JXPath expression in the
<jx:forEach> construct.

Can anybody explain why this is happening?


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