Has anyone find an answer to this question?
I want to do the same: Test a session attribute (ID => not sessionID, but userID) in sitemap. If session is equals a defined value, it should refer to pageA, else refer to pageB.
What is the correct syntax of the SessionAttributeSelector? Found no document about it.
>From: bremerj
>Subject: Problem with the SessionAttributeSelector
>Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2004 12:25:11 -0700
>I have problems using the SessionAttributeSelector. I have tried
>basically any syntax I have found in the various documents, but none
>worked. The when test is never successful.

>Has anybody managed to use this selector successfully? And what do I
>have to do to make the selector work?

>Thanks for your help.

>Joseph BREMER

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