Personally, I don't think there CAN be a single "best" way. Most of the
folks here seem to be writing their whole application in the web container
and using all the cool Cocoon provided stuff that does JDBC, etc.  In my
world, I'm not even allowed to make JDBC calls from the web container. We
use EJBs and do all the business stuff in the EJB container. So for me, most
of the cool things like ESQL, OJB, etc. I simply can't use. 


-----Original Message-----
From: David Leangen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 12:56 AM
Subject: Vote: to unify, or not to unify (Was "RE: Business Logic in Cocoon

 [  ]  A. I think that we should show users the "best" way
          to get up and running with Cocoon.

 [X ]  B. I think that we should show users all the options
          possible and let them decide the best approach.

 [  ]  C. Yeah, whatever. Either way is good for me.
          Peace, man!

Poll results so far:

  A. - 1
  B. - 0
  C. - 0

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