I have been starting to use cocoon for my personal web site, and I am becoming quite fond of it... Congrats go out to all devs.

I have a few apps i'd like to build, and either I am too new to cocoon to understand all that i should, or what I want to do is stupid. In any case, here we go.

I would like to write an application to create a local cache of certain websites i like to monitor. The flow of the application is that the first time a user requests a certain resource, the server goes out and queries the web for it. It uses xslt, etc, etc to transform the source, and then stores it locally for future use. The locally stored copy is then sent out to the users. The local copy is never updated once it is successfully aquired one time.

So, with that in mind, the questions...

1. Is the best way to do the download and save step to create an action, and run this action conditionally in a resource-exists selector? Is there a better way, or preferably one that I could do (being my lazy self) without writing java/perl code, but just add stuff to the sitemap?

2. I have a list of resources available. I want the user to be able to view them all on one page (all as in all for the day), or each individually. Ideally, I would store these resources in an xml file, and generate the list with xslt. But my sitemap also needs an entry for each of these. I tried to do this:

<map:match pattern="resourses.xmap>
  <map:serialize type="xml"/>

<map:mount uri-prefix="" check-reload="yes" src="cocoon:/resourses.xmap"/>

but it failed. Interestingly enough it knew if a resource was available or not, but simply returned a blank page. I am assuming from reading archives of the list that this is not supported, but I was wondering what is the best way to do this? The resource list needs to store various properties like a name, an originating url, etc. I thought about saving this all in the sitemap, and then using xslt to parse the sitemap file to create the list that contains them all, but couldn't think where to store the url and things like that.

So, any assistance would be kindly appreciated, and once again I love the app.


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