Upayavira писал(а):

Timur Izhbulatov wrote:

Timur Izhbulatov wrote:

Hi all! I use woody binding framework as shown in the corresponding sample (cocoon 2.1.4) with an XML file and it works just fine. But when I change the file URL to xmldb one my non-us (UTF-8 encoded) data are getting corrupted. When I popultate the DB with the same data (as in xmldb sample) it also works correctly. My sitemap entry looks as follow:
<map:match pattern="edit">
<map:call function="woody">
<map:parameter name="function" value="form2xml"/>
<map:parameter name="form-definition" value="forms/form_model.xml"/>
<map:parameter name="documentURI"
<!-- <map:parameter name="documentURI"
value="xmldb:xindice-embed:///db/data/1"/> -->
<map:parameter name="bindingURI" value="forms/form_bind.xml"/>
... The form2xml function was totally borrowed from binding_example.js. Should I rewrite my flow script or somehow configure the database operation?

I changed the org.apache.cocoon.components.source.impl.XMLDBSource.XMLDBOutputStream.cl ose () method:
public void close() throws IOException, SourceException {
if (!isClosed) {
this.isClosed = true;
It used to use baos.toString() but this method uses system's default encoding (windows-1251 in my case) to translate bytes into characters (http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/io/ByteArrayOutputStream.ht ml) .

It seems to me like something that should be within the XMLDBSource. But the encoding needs to be configurable somehow. If you can, feel free to supply a patch that makes it configurable.

I agree with you. I think there should be a property in the XMLDBSource class that sets the encoding and the system's default encoding should still be used by default.


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