Title: Message
Check this out!!!
I pulled the following class from web...

import org.apache.cocoon.acting.AbstractAction;

import org.apache.cocoon.servlet.multipart.Part;

import org.apache.cocoon.environment.Context;

import org.apache.cocoon.environment.ObjectModelHelper;

import org.apache.cocoon.environment.Redirector;

import org.apache.cocoon.environment.Request;

import org.apache.cocoon.environment.SourceResolver;

import org.apache.cocoon.environment.http.HttpRequest;

import org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.Logger;

import org.apache.avalon.framework.parameters.Parameters;

import org.apache.avalon.framework.thread.ThreadSafe;

import java.io.BufferedInputStream;

import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;

import java.io.File;

import java.io.FileNotFoundException;

import java.io.FileOutputStream;

import java.io.IOException;

import java.util.HashMap;

import java.util.Map;



* This action takes care about file uploading.

* as input parameters will be:<br>

* number-of-files - int - specified in the upload form<br>

* file-form-field-prefix - name of form field

* name of form field for processing will be file-form-field-prefix + number-of-files

* i.e. "myfile1", ...<br>

* upload-directory - path where the file/s will be saved<br>

* overwrite-file - deny, allow, rename<br>

* Action returns back to sitemap the path+name of uploaded files


* @author Roman Hrivik


public class FileUploadAction extends AbstractAction

implements ThreadSafe



* number-of-files parameter name


private static final String PARAM_NUMBER_OF_FILES = "number-of-files";


* file-form-field-prefix parameter name


private static final String PARAM_FILE_FORM_FIELD_PREFIX = "file-form-field-prefix";


* upload-directory parameter name


private static final String PARAM_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY = "upload-directory";


* overwrite-file parameter name


private static final String PARAM_OVERWRITE_FILE = "overwrite-file";


* overwrite deny


private static final String OVERWRITE_DENY = "deny";


* overwrite allow


private static final String OVERWRITE_ALLOW = "allow";


* overwrite rename


private static final String OVERWRITE_RENAME = "rename";


* default form prefix parameter name for file upload


private static final String DEFAULT_PARAM_FILE_FORM_FIELD_PREFIX = "file";


* default upload directory WEB-INF/work


private static final String DEFAULT_PARAM_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY_VALUE = "/WEB-INF/work/upload";


* cached logger


private static Logger myLogger;


* is debug enabled


private boolean isDebugEnabled;


* is warn enabled


private boolean isWarnEnabled;


* is error enabled


private boolean isErrorEnabled;


* file-form-field-prefix - name of form field


private String parFileFormFieldPrefix;


* number-of-files - int - specified in the upload form


private int parNumberOfFiles;


* upload-directory - path where the file/s will be saved


private String parUploadDirectory;


* overwrite-file - deny, allow, rename


private String parOverwriteFile;


* Controls the processing against some values of the

* <code>Dictionary</code> objectModel and returns a

* <code>Map</code> object with values used in subsequent

* sitemap substitution patterns.

* NOTE: This interface is designed so that implentations can be

* <code>ThreadSafe<code>.

* When an action is ThreadSafe, only one instance serves all requests : this

* reduces memory usage and avoids pooling.

* @param resolver The <code>SourceResolver</code> in charge

* @param objectModel The <code>Map</code> with object of the

* calling environment which can be used

* to select values this controller may need

* (ie Request, Response).

* @param source A source <code>String</code> to the Action

* @param parameters The <code>Parameters</code> for this invocation

* @param redirector

* @return Map The returned <code>Map</code> object with

* sitemap substitution values which can be used

* in subsequent elements attributes like src="">

* using a xpath like _expression_: src=""

* If the return value is null the processing inside

* the <map:act> element of the sitemap will

* be skipped.

* @throws java.lang.Exception

* @exception Exception Indicates something is totally wrong


public Map act(

Redirector redirector,

SourceResolver resolver,

Map objectModel,

String source,

Parameters parameters)

throws Exception {


* get logger instance


if (myLogger == null) {

myLogger = getLogger();

isDebugEnabled = myLogger.isDebugEnabled();

isWarnEnabled = myLogger.isWarnEnabled();

isErrorEnabled = myLogger.isErrorEnabled();


if (isDebugEnabled) {

myLogger.debug("FileUploadAction start");



* fileMap keeps FileUploadInfo about uploaded files


Map fileMap = new HashMap();


* read sitemap parameters


try {

parNumberOfFiles = Integer.parseInt(parameters.getParameter(PARAM_NUMBER_OF_FILES, "0"));

} catch (Exception e) {

parNumberOfFiles = 0;

if (isErrorEnabled) {

myLogger.error("NumberFormatException in parameter " + PARAM_NUMBER_OF_FILES);



* stop processing action -> return null


return null;




parOverwriteFile = parameters.getParameter(PARAM_OVERWRITE_FILE, OVERWRITE_DENY);


if (isDebugEnabled) {

myLogger.debug("input parameters readed/default setted: "

+ PARAM_NUMBER_OF_FILES + "=" + parNumberOfFiles + " "

+ PARAM_FILE_FORM_FIELD_PREFIX + "=" + parFileFormFieldPrefix + " "

+ PARAM_OVERWRITE_FILE + "=" + parOverwriteFile + " "

+ PARAM_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY + "=" + parUploadDirectory + " "

+ PARAM_FILE_FORM_FIELD_PREFIX + "=" + parFileFormFieldPrefix + " "




* get request


Request req = ObjectModelHelper.getRequest(objectModel);


* get context to generate realPath


Context context = ObjectModelHelper.getContext(objectModel);

if (req instanceof HttpRequest) {

HttpRequest request = (HttpRequest) req;


* create necessary directory structure


File uplDir = new File(parUploadDirectory);

if (isDebugEnabled) {

myLogger.debug("upload directory is: "

+ uplDir.getAbsolutePath()



if (uplDir.isAbsolute() == false) {

// check for first relative slash

if(parUploadDirectory.indexOf('/') != 0) {

parUploadDirectory = "/" + parUploadDirectory;


uplDir = new File(context.getRealPath(parUploadDirectory));


if (isDebugEnabled) {

myLogger.debug("absolute upload directory is: "

+ uplDir.getAbsolutePath()



if (uplDir.exists() == false) {


if (isDebugEnabled) {

myLogger.debug("directory path does not exist creating directories: "

+ uplDir.getAbsolutePath()

+ " successfully: " + uplDir.exists()





* go thrue form parameters

* add to return Map FileUploadInfo object to get informations about

* uploaded file


if (isDebugEnabled) {

myLogger.debug("going thrue "+parNumberOfFiles+" form parameters ");


for (int i = 1; i <= parNumberOfFiles; i++) {


* create file informations and put it to return map


FileUploadInfo fileInfo = new FileUploadInfo();

fileInfo.setFormFieldName((parFileFormFieldPrefix + i));


* get Part


Part filePart = (Part) request.get(fileInfo.getFormFieldName());

if (filePart != null) {

// do upload flag

boolean doUpload = true;

// set fileinfo



// define file target

File target = new File(uplDir, fileInfo.getUploadedFileName());

// check if target exist

if ( target.exists()

&& parOverwriteFile.equalsIgnoreCase(OVERWRITE_RENAME)) {

// rename file

fileInfo.setUploadedFileName("" + System.currentTimeMillis() + "" + i + "_" + fileInfo.getOriginalFileName());


target = new File(uplDir, fileInfo.getUploadedFileName());


else if ( target.exists()

&& parOverwriteFile.equalsIgnoreCase(OVERWRITE_DENY)) {

// skip writing file

doUpload = false;



// otherwise OVERWRITE_ALLOW


if (doUpload) {

// when success set uploaded true otherwise = false

fileInfo.setUploaded( saveFile(filePart, target) );






* put fileinfo to filemap

* as sitemap accepts only String values - file info will be separated


fileMap.put(fileInfo.getFormFieldName() + "renamed", Boolean.toString(fileInfo.isRenamed()));

fileMap.put(fileInfo.getFormFieldName() + "uploaded", Boolean.toString(fileInfo.isUploaded()));

fileMap.put(fileInfo.getFormFieldName() + "originalFileName", fileInfo.getOriginalFileName());

fileMap.put(fileInfo.getFormFieldName() + "physicalFilePath", fileInfo.getPhysicalFilePath());

fileMap.put(fileInfo.getFormFieldName() + "uploadedFileName", fileInfo.getUploadedFileName());



if (isDebugEnabled) {

myLogger.debug("file info added to return map. "

+ fileInfo.toString());


} // end for (int i = 1; i <= parNumberOfFiles; i++)

} // end if (req instanceof MultipartHttpServletRequest)



if (isWarnEnabled) {

myLogger.warn("file upload is not enabled");


return null;


return fileMap;



* save uploaded Part to target

* @param filePart represents a file part parsed from a http post stream.

* @param target - target file to save

* @return boolean true when file was saved


private boolean saveFile(Part filePart, File target)


if (isDebugEnabled) {

myLogger.debug("saving file to "

+ target.getAbsolutePath());


BufferedInputStream in = null;

BufferedOutputStream out = null;

byte [] buff = new byte[8192];

int bytesRead;

boolean flag = true;

try {

in = new BufferedInputStream(filePart.getInputStream());

out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(target));

// write

while((bytesRead = in.read(buff, 0, buff.length)) != -1) {

out.write(buff, 0, bytesRead);


} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

// log error

flag = false;

if (isErrorEnabled) {

myLogger.error("FileNotFoundException: "

+ e.toString());


} catch (IOException e) {

// log error

flag = false;

if (isErrorEnabled) {

myLogger.error("IOException: "

+ e.toString());


} catch (Exception e) {

// log error

flag = false;

if (isErrorEnabled) {

myLogger.error("Exception: "

+ e.toString());



finally {

try {

if (in != null) {



if (out != null) {




} catch (IOException e1) {

// log error

flag = false;

if (isErrorEnabled) {

myLogger.error("IOException: "

+ e1.toString());




if (target.exists() == false) {

flag = false;


if (flag && isDebugEnabled) {

myLogger.debug("file saved "

+ target.getAbsolutePath());


else {

myLogger.debug("file NOT saved "

+ target.getAbsolutePath());


return flag;



-----Original Message-----
From: Madhavi Thottempudi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 7:47 AM
Subject: uploading file in cocoon2.1.4

Hi there!

I am trying to upload a zip file and save it somewhere on the hard-drive.
I am using cocoon 2.1.4. Can anybody suggest me what is the best way to upload files in cocoon2.1.4 version.
I am doing as shown below and I am not able to pick up the file. Don't know where I am going wrong. Any suggestions or tips on this
matter would be of great help to me. Thanks in advance.

In xsl:
<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
        <input type="file" name="uploadedFile"/>
        <input name="submit" type="submit"/>

In sitemap:
      <map:action name="fileupload" src=""/>

  <map:match pattern="upload">
        <map:act type="fileupload">     
                <map:parameter name="uploadedFile" value="{request-param:uploadedFile}"/>
                <map:serialize type="xhtml"/>

My java class file:
public class UploadPackage extends AbstractLogEnabled implements Action

public Map act(Redirector redirector,
   SourceResolver resolver,
   Map objectModel,
   String src,
   Parameters parameters)
throws Exception {

Request request = ObjectModelHelper.getRequest(objectModel);

Part filePart = (PartOnDisk) request.get(

if (filePart != null) {

"Uploaded file name = " + filePart.getFileName());

else {

"File not found");


return java.util.Collections.EMPTY_MAP;



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