Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

Hi Björn,

we have to realize a discussion forum to integrate it into
our cocoon webapps. Is there a free cocoon based outofthebox
forum available?

I hate to preannounce stuff as it sometimes (too often) happens that I don't keep my promises afterwards, but: I'm supposed to get a contract Real Soon Now for a project that includes a forum component, and if it happens I'll contribute this component to Cocoon.

It would be a simple threaded forum thing, using OBJ to store data, and meant to be called from Flow.

Best case, this will be in CVS in about two weeks.
Worst case, I don't get the contract, but this is fairly unlikely.

Do you have a specific interface in mind for such a component? If so we can start discussing it here.

The thing I'm most keen to see is integration with a mailserver backend, giving access to a discussion via both mail and web interfaces.

I'd love to see that, and it would be extremely useful to me.

Regards, Upayavira

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