>>>>> "Ugo" == Ugo Cei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Ugo> Colin Paul Adams wrote:
    >> I'm looking at the calendar sample.  Is it possible to supply a
    >> sitemap parameter to the CalendarGenerator in order for it to
    >> generate complete weeks at the start and end of the month
    >> (i.e. fill in the last few days of the last month, and the few
    >> days of the next month), or will this involve programming
    >> changes to the java source code?

    Ugo> It will involve some changes to the Java code. I don't think
    Ugo> it's too difficult. If you can do it and supply a patch, I'll
    Ugo> happily apply it.

It's not the sample as such, only the output of the CalendarGenerator
that I'm interested in. So I won't be sending you a patch for the stylesheet. 
When I've got my application to the point of working, I'll then try
extending it, and then I'll send you the patch if I can get it to work.
Colin Paul Adams
Preston Lancashire

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