Hi, I have 2 multivalue fields.
I would like to fill the second with the values of the select items in the first one. eg, : if my first field is like this : - cats - dogs - birds - other pets If I select "cats" the second field should be filled with - c1 - c2 - c3 And I I also choose dogs (I mean cat AND dogs), have - c1 - c2 - c3 - d1 - d2 - d3 Actually, I tried to implement the same principle as in the car-selector sample but it does not seems to work (see code below). So, is it possible to have such a thing or should I split my form in 2 pages ? (which is not so cool) regards, Stephane /*code*/ <fd:multivaluefield id="pets"> <fd:label>Choose pet(s) : </fd:label> <fd:datatype base="string"/> <fd:selection-list type="flow-jxpath" list-path="pets" value-path="value" label-path="label" dynamic="true"/> <fd:on-value-changed> <javascript> var value = event.source.value; var petListWidget = event.source.lookupWidget("../petList"); if (value != null) { var lp = new Packages.com.test.ListPet(value); var listPetsSize = lp.getListPetSize(); var data = new Object(); data.lp=new Array(listPetsSize); for( var i=0; i < listPetsSize ; i++) { data.wp[i] = {value: wp.getListPetValue(i-1), label: pjt.getListPetLabel(i-1)}; } petListWidget.setSelectionList(data.lp, "value", "label"); } else { event.source.setValue(null); petListwidget.setSelectionList(new Packages.org.apache.cocoon.forms.datatype.EmptySelectionList("Select kind of pet first")); } petListWidget.setValue(null); </javascript> </fd:on-value-changed> </fd:multivaluefield> --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]