On 06.07.2004 12:00, Stephane Delort wrote:

My datatype is String for both MVF.

I would have writen something like :

// this is ok
cocoon.request.setAttribute("myForm", form.getWidget());
var reqAttf = cocoon.request.getAttribute("myForm");

Don't know what you are trying here. You simply set a request attribute value and retrieve it? var reqAttf = form.getWidget(); works then also.

var myMVFWidget  = reqAttf.lookupWidget("myMVF");

// this does not work and is still a mystery for me (the cats seems to be
not allowed in javascript)
Array myArray = (Array) myMFVWidget.getValue();

I meant String[] instead of JavaScript's Array. Furthermore you must have in mind that JS is not type save, so there is no cast operator. The code should be something like:

var myStringArray = myMFVWidget.getValue();

for (var i = 0; i < myStringArray.length(); i++) {
    var value = myStringArray[i];
    // do something with it



I am trying to get my cforms multipleValueFields.
I tried to get the values of the user's selected fields.
Thus, I really don't know how to do this since the getValue() of the
multiplevaluefield widget return an objetc.
This object is an array but I don't know how to cast the object to be an
Array an then, retrieve my values ?

Any idea or sample ?

What's your datatype of that field? The object should be an array of
that datatype.

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