Hi All,

2004. július 22. 08.21 dátummal Upayavira ezt írta:
> Ray Allis wrote:
> > Z.Z. wrote:
> >> Hi All,
> >>
> >> I use Cocoon in Linux environment. Character set of my xmls
> >> is utf-8. All of setting is utf-8 (web.xml, sitemap.xmap, xsls...)
> >> When I see source of my generated htmls, character set is utf-8. But
> >> in body all of accented char is made  by acuted (á ...).
> >> Accented chars In head section is correct, only in body are wrong.
> >> in head:
> >
> > I have a related problem.  I have <xsl:output ... encoding="UTF-8" ...
> > in a stylesheet.
> > When I run xalan from the command line the output is UTF-8.
> > When I use the sitemap, serialize as xml, it is always ISO-8859-1 in the
> > xml document returned to the browser.
> Have you set the encoding in the definition of your serializer (at the
> top of the sitemap)?
                        <map:serializer name="html" mime-type="text/html; 

> If that doesn't work, in the CVS version of Cocoon (possibly in 2.1.5)
> there is a serializers block, which contains alternative HTMLSerializer
> and XMLSerializer, which I have found to work better in this regard.
Oooops, what are you thinking? Should you say the name of this? I use

> Regards, Upayavira
Zoltan Zidarics programmer
PTE-PMMFK H-7621 Pecs, Boszorkany u. 2. Hungary

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