
I have 2 selection lists. one is static and the other dynamic.
Actually, the users make his choices in the first one and then, after
clicking on a action-button the secon list is updated.
But it's also possible that the user changes his choices on the first one
and submit the form. this way the 2 lists are not sychronized.

first list :   [x] birds   [  ] cats   [  ] dogs

=> the user click the action button
second list :  [ ] bird1 [  ] bird2

then the user change his choice on the firs form :
first list :   [  ] birds   [x] cats   [  ] dogs

and then submit the form,  but the second list is still the same.

I cannot flush the second list when the user changes his choices on the
first one because there are no event listeners for multiple valufields.

So, I would like to do a validator but I cannot retrieve the values of
elements that are in the selection list and not selected to compare to
their "parent" in the first one.
Is there a way to get all values ? (selected and not)

I hope it was clear enough.
thanks in advance,

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