Hi all,
I try to use cinclude:cached-include without a luck - content is not cached.
in sitemap:
           <map:match pattern="test.xml">
               <map:generate type="file" src="testxml"/>
               <map:transform type="cinclude">
                   <map:parameter name="expires" value="60"/>
                   <map:parameter name="source" value="file:/c:/temp"/>
               <map:serialize type="xml"/>

in test.xml:
<?xml version="1.0"?>

<test xmlns:cinclude="http://apache.org/cocoon/include/1.0";>
<cinclude:cached-include src="cocoon:/dotest.xml"/>

I hit 'http:/localhost/test.xml' - dotest.xml is done (through pipeline it calls servlet - so it is why I really see that it is reloaded).
Every next hit to test.xml, hits dotest.xml - but for one minute shouldn't.
What is more funny - the file is created in c:/temp only the first time, during 60 sec no change in the file - DATES - after 60 s, file changes the date. But request to dotest.xml is always done.
So in this example caching doesn't work.
Any idea,

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