Hey all-y'alls,

This ain't really a Cocoon question, but maybe one of the peeps here can point me in the right direction...

I'm uploading an XSLT document to a CForms form.  The upload widget has


which ought to cover all the bases, me thinks...

As long as the filename ends with ".xsl" or ".xml", it works fine. If the filename ends with ".xslt", the server says "invalid content type". I've tried with both Safari and Mozilla, same deal.

Any idea what content-type might be getting sent here? LiveHTTPHeaders is being decidedly unhelpful — release 0.9 and I think it's buggy, it even seems to cause Moz to hang for a long time (several minutes) upon the request.

Any ideas?


P.S. Can you believe, the OS X spell checker don't accept "ain't". What's up with that? Talk about snobby.

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