i have a form login.xml where user id and password are entered in text boxes and stored and submitted. The code for the xml is given below. Username Password <br/><br/> <do type=\"accept\" label=\"Submit\"> <go method=\"post\" href=""> <postfield name=\"NEXT\" value=\"VERIFY\"/> <postfield name=\"uid\" value=\"$(mailuserid)\"/> <postfield name=\"mail-userid\" value=\"$(mailuserid)\"/> <postfield name=\"mail-password\" value=\"$(mailpassword)\"/> <postfield name=\"cmd\" value=\"list-folder-messages\"/> <postfield name=\"folder\" value=\"INBOX\"/> </go> </do> Now in another case i try to obtain the same values from url as query string instead of text boxes for example http://xxx/mail/login?uid=user&pwd=pass Im able to read the parameters using either XSP or flowscript. But how can the submit be done using XSP or flowscript??

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