
We are using cocoon on a bea weblogic 6.1. The cocoon is working fine except for a big caching problem. Cocoon doesn't always recognize that a file is updated. Cocoon just keeps returning the cached file without using the changes in e.g. the xslt. It doesn't matter what kind of file a xslt, a xml file used in a file generator or the sitemap. Somethimes it is working fine and a lot of times it isn't.

At the moment I completely disabled caching. This is oke for development but makes it rather slow for production. We want to update xslt and or xml files without restarting the server.

Is this a commen problem and what is the solution? Do anybody have any experience with this? I would like to have a solution because not using the caching makes it very slow and not having the flexibility to change a xslt without restarting and thus taking web-sites offline is unaceptable.

thanks in advance.

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