On Mon, 2004-09-06 at 16:54, Derek Hohls wrote:
> If anyone has experience with the problem below,
>  I'd appreciate hearing a solution..
> I have modified the forms-htmlarea-styling.xsl to 
> include the following  - inserted after the line:
> <script type="text/javascript"
> src="{$resources-uri}/htmlarea/htmlarea.js"></script>
>     <script type="text/javascript" >
>       //reconfigure HTMLArea toolbar
>       function initTable(areaID) { 
>         // inititalize editor 

do first:

note: if you have multiple htmlareas on one page, this only has to
happen once, so in that case you might rather do this in some <script>
in the <head> tag.

>         edit = new HTMLArea("editor");
>         edit.registerPlugin(TableOperations);  
>         // retrive the config object 
>         var config = edit.config; 
>         config.statusBar = false;
>         // do custom configuration 
>               config.toolbar = [
>                       [ 
>                         "bold", "italic", "underline", "strikethrough",
> "separator",
>                         "subscript", "superscript", "separator",
>                         "justifyleft", "justifycenter", "justifyright",
> "separator",
>                         "insertorderedlist", "insertunorderedlist", "outdent",
> "indent", "separator",
>                         "createlink", "separator", "undo", "redo", "paste"  ]
>               ];    
>         HTMLArea.replace(areaID,config);
>       }     
>     </script>
> The form template page is then configured to use it
> for a textarea as follows:
>    <fi:styling type="htmlarea" rows="15" style="width:90%;">
>      <initFunction>initTable</initFunction>
>     </fi:styling> 
> However the HTMLarea does not work at all (ie. get a plain
> textarea) UNLESS I remove the line:
>       edit.registerPlugin(TableOperations);
> Obviously I want to add in all the functionality of table
> operations found in the TableOperations javascript as
> well to the config.toolbar, but cannot do so until the 
> plugin is working....
Bruno Dumon                             http://outerthought.org/
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