hi Superbiji

thanx for your answer but i test all this without to leave the form open 
for a long time.

maybe i dont have refer to my problem corectly
let me describe the scenario 

1. i'm in form_A
2. click on submit
3. i'm in form_B and posted data form form_A are here
4. i press browser's back button
5. i'm in form_A 
6. click on submit and i get a message that a widget with a specific id 
(form_A's widget) does not exist 
is it possible here flow to try to dipslay from_A instead form_B?

i have the feeling that when i press browsers back button i get a cashed 
page from my browser and flow does not understund where i am.

is it possible to be a bug in cforms or not?
because the example is very simple (i think so)

here is my flow script

function search() {
    var db    = new Packages.gr.osmosis.hotpoints.DatabaseAccess();
    var list  = new Packages.java.util.ArrayList();
    var rc    = new Packages.gr.osmosis.hotpoints.RichPathCreator();
    var report = "";
    var form = new Form("forms/search_welcome.xml");
    var search_for;
    var max_results = "10";
        var model = form.getModel();
        search_for = model.search_for;
        max_results = model.max_results;
        print ("Searching for [" + search_for + "] ...");
        list = db.searchForElementsWithTitle(search_for);
     // if there is no records that match the criteria 
     // list==null then redisplay the form
    }while (list==null)
    form = new Form("forms/search_results.xml");
    model = form.getModel();
    var items = max_results;
    if (items > list.length){ items = list.length; }
    for (var i=0; i<items; i++){
            print ("rich path : " + list[i].getRichPath());
            model.elements[i].element_id = list[i].getId();
            model.elements[i].title = list[i].getTitle();
            model.elements[i].path = list[i].getPath();
            model.elements[i].richpath = list[i].getRichPath();
            model.elements[i].description = list[i].getDescription();
//      Here is where i press browsers back button    



On Wed, 8 Sep 2004, Superbiji wrote:

> Maybe time is expired ;)
> You hang out too long after pressing Back button
> On Tue, 7 Sep 2004 19:12:51 +0300 (EEST), [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > hi
> > 
> > i have  some cforms
> > and a flow script that create a small
> > wizard that
> > - display a form
> > - wait for submit
> > - display the next form and so on
> > 
> > the problem is that if i hit browser's back button
> > to return to a previous form and then click submit again
> > i loose continuation and objects in flow script are nothing
> > 
> > can anyone give me a hint of what is happend?
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