To add my 2 cents,

We have a memory issue as well, but I have just started looking into it. Going by our Java profiler, lots and lots of ints are being created and never cleaned up. We have tried using Xalan 2.6, with XSLTC. The XSL is faster, but the memory loss continues. Our pipes are just taking in and sending out XML, no FOP. They do use the SQLTransformer, which may be a problem. They also use 8+ small XSLTs in a single pipe, each tweaking the document a bit more.

As I said, I am just at the beginning of my investigation, so anything found out would be a big help.

Cocoon 2.1.5
JDK 1.4.1
In JBoss 3.2.3 (or 3.2.5 when using XSLTC)


Jonathan Linczak wrote:

On Sep 17, 2004, at 4:23 PM, Hance, Greg (ELS) wrote:

We have had similar issues as well. The first thing I would check is to see
what type of pipeline configuration you are running with. If you are running
w/ profiling turned on we have found that the profiler slowly eats up all of
our memory over time. I work for a publishing house and we have some very
large documents being fed through the pipelines so running w/ profiling
turned on hasn't been a viable option for us anywhere but in our local

Hi Greg, sorry, you're talking to a bit of a newbie on Cocoon, so where is the profiling setting at? In cocoon.xconf? I have it set now so that pipelines are cached once Tomcat is started, is this what you mean?

Even w/ profiling turned off however w/ just caching enabled the server
seems to slow down over time and run out of memory until we have to reboot
it. Seems like there could be a leak somewhere ... but i wanted to play
around w/ the store heap settings some before I can really be sure of that.
I'm thinking the heap could be filling up and there is not enough free
application memory to transform some of the bigger documents???

Anyway, I'd love to compare notes on performance tuning Cocoon.

BTW - We are running w/:

Cocoon 2.1.4
Java 1.4.2

Cheers, Greg

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Linczak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 17, 2004 3:06 PM
Subject: Memory problems with Cocoon

All, I followed the Wiki docs for Performance issues with Cocoon, Lenya, etc., and I'm watching my server now and the free memory is slowly going away, until the log file starts spitting out the following messages:

Cocoon threw exception

I don't know if this is the proper place to post this question, but I'm
hoping someone has experienced the same and has some tips or help on
this one.  I have the following software running:

Cocoon 2.1.5
Lenya 1.2
Java 1.4.2_04

I ran through the Wiki doc on performance to get myself going.  Anyone
have anything that can help me track this down?  You'll be highly
praised for your help.  :)


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