here it is the component configuration  

          <handler name="torquemada">
            <redirect-to uri="cocoon:loginsrc"/>
            <authentication uri="cocoon:raw:/authenticate"/>

On Fri, 17 Sep 2004 23:05:20 +0200, g[R]eK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <. Hi fabrizio! .>
> Friday, September 17, 2004, 10:38:24 PM, you wrote:
> fp> i'm new to cocoon and i'm trying to develop a web application for a
> fp> university examination.
> fp> I've read everything about Authentication FW but i cannot find nothing
> fp> about authenticating over
> fp> a mysql DB connection. so i've written down this piece of pipeline:
> <snip/>
> fp>     <map:pipeline><!--questa deve essere internal-->
> Authenticate match should be in internal only pipeline:
> <map:pipeline internal-only="true">
> It will protect from non internal requests.
> fp>       <!-- This is the authentication resource -->
> fp>       <map:match pattern="authenticate">
> fp>         <map:generate src="login/do-login.xml"/>
> fp>         <map:transform src="stylesheets/do-login.xsl" label="debug6" >
> fp>           <map:parameter name="use-request-parameters" value="true"/>
> fp>         </map:transform>
> I guess, above transform is only for include values of request parameters
> (username, password). If I'm right you should use this SAFER method:
> fp>     <map:transform type="sql" label="debug3"><!--effettua la query al database-->
> fp>       <map:parameter name="use-connection" value="mysql"/>
> fp>         </map:transform>
> fp>     <map:transform src="stylesheets/authenticate.xsl" >
> fp>       <map:parameter name="use-request-parameters" value="true"/>
> fp>     </map:transform>
> fp>     <map:transform type="encodeURL"/>
> fp>         <map:serialize type="xml" label="debug5"/>
> fp>       </map:match>
> I'm not sure what this transform is for.
> fp>     </map:pipeline>
> fp> but i didn't reach anything but a redirect to the login page as i've
> fp> decided in the first piece of pipeline.
> fp> Can anyone tell me what's wrong?
> fp> Please!
> Send your handler configuration, please.
> --
> Best regards
> <. g[R]eK mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                    .>
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