I have only been using Cocoon since last April, with an initial installation and guidance from someone with much more experience than I have. Now I would like to expand my use of Cocoon and add additional web applications.

I have looked at some of the pages on the Wiki regarding organization of the Cocoon installation and some of the options, such as having sub-sitemaps.

Alternatively, I would like to have multiple instances of Cocoon running and have shared jar files so that these separate instances are not too memory intensive. (That is, separate main sitemaps, not separate sub-sitemaps for each application.) Earlier on the mailing list I noticed that some people seem to use this structure for their applications, that is having the cocoon files in the web application's sub-directory.

Currently I have a web application deployed as an exploded war file in the deploy directory of jboss.
The path is:
This folder holds all my specific application files (xml, xsp, xsl files), and also has the folder WEB-INF.
WEB-INF contains my sitemap.xmap, cocoon.xconf, etc.
WEB-INF also contains a classes folder, with properties files, package.jdo, repository.dtd and repository.xml. Here also are the class folders: org/apache/cocoon/acting, components, ojb, ojb, samples, and woody folders.
WEB-INF also has the folders db, deli, entities, lib, logs
WEB-INF/lib seems to be the critical folder, with avalon-framework-4.1.4.jar, castor-0.9.5-xml.jar, cocoon 2.1.4.jar, etc.

Is there a way to take this WEB-INF/lib folder and have the large jar files shared by multiple instances of cocoon? And, where should this folder be located? I'm guessing that I also have to specify the path to these jar files in a configuration file in each web application. In each cocoon.xconf?

Under Tomcat, I thought I had seen something about a common/endorsed folder for sharing files. But my applications will be running under JBoss, currently using the version of Tomcat 5 that is used by JBoss 3.2.5.

Thanks for any suggestions, assistance, or pointers. I hope the explanation of my directory structure isn't too confusing.

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