Andreas Hartmann wrote:
 > [...]

Did you try numerical entities like '?

That would actually help. The problem is that everything is converted by the XHTMLSerializer:

' -> '
'  -> '
'      -> '

I guess it really requires a patch to make it configurable.

This is my first time to try the XHTMLSerializer and I only get an error instead of a result:
org.xml.sax.SAXException: Unable to map "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/";

I know this problem. IIRC it was related to Xalan/XSLTC mixture. When I switched to Xalan everywhere, it vanished.

Instead of org.apache.cocoon.components.serializers.XHTMLSerializer I've always been using org.apache.cocoon.serialization.XMLSerializer with configuration according to XHTML. That perferctly works and I never saw *any* character entities in the output.

What would be the benefit of using the "new" XHTMLSerializer? If any, I'd like to try it more seriously.

The most apparent advantage is that it takes care of the header encoding information. Since I use it I have no problems regarding UTF-8 anymore.

Another difference is that it just passes the existing
doctype definition instead of adding a configured one.
So it is required to set the public-id and system-id in the
XSLT or source document.

I guess the new one has a cleaner implementation, but I didn't yet
compare the code. Maybe it makes sense to ask on cocoon-dev.

-- Andreas

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