
I want to validate all the field widgets with their 'required '
attribute set to true.

For that I have a <fd:javascript> snippet which calls a function written
in flowscript.

Following is the snippet in my form definition file: -

  <fd:submit id="submit" action-command="submit form">

And this is what I have in my flowscript: -

function validateRequired(wid) {

  print("Calling validateRequired");
  print("get children " + wid.getChildren());
  var widIter = wid.getChildren();
  while (widIter.hasNext()) {
    var widObj = widIter.next();
        print("Widgets are "+ widObj.getValue() + " Is required " +
        if (widObj.isRequired && widObj.getValue() == null) {
enter a value for the required field"));

The above code throws an error as follows: -

setValidationError is not a function.

I browsed the Cocoon API. I can see that setValidation Error is a method
in the Field Class of the FormModel package.

Can anyone help me in pointing out what could be wrong in the above


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