
We are trying to change the alert message for ‘required’ fields from general.field-required to a meaningful message in Cocoon forms.
We followed the woody samples to achieve this, the attempt was unsuccessful. 

We added the following line in the xml file that would be read by the i18n transformer. 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<catalogue xml:lang="en_US">
      <message key="general.field-required">This field is required.</message> 
We have the following code snippet in sitemap: -
      <catalogues default="messages">
        <catalogue id="messages" name="messages" location="translations"/>
 We have other xml files for the different languages like French and German.   Other user defined keys in those languages get translated appropriately. But the general.field-required does not get translated to the appropriate message.
For french: - 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<catalogue xml:lang="fr"> 

   <message key="general.field-required">Cette donnée est obligatoire.</message>
   <message key="Add">Ajouter</message> 
For german: - 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<catalogue xml:lang="de"> 

   <message key="Account number">Kontonummer</message>
   <message key="Add">Hinzufügen</message> 

Is there something that we are missing?
Can anyone throw some pointers on this issue?
Thanks in advance.

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