this seems ok to me. Did you try it from the built-in jetty ?


Thomas Kjeldahl Nilsson wrote:

I'm having some trouble with serving .swf files in my cocoon webapp.
There doesn't seem to be much info about this on the official project or wiki pages. Maybe it's something mind-bogglingly obvious, but I've stared myself blind on the sitemap file now.


- I have several .swf files.

- My tomcat server seems to be correctly configured for the application/x-shockwave-flash mime type.

- I've defined a match in the sitemap:

<map:match pattern="*.swf">
  <map:read src="documents/tutorial/{1}.swf"

- When accessing a .swf file in the webapp, I get something like this in plain text:

<OBJECT classid = "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase = ",0,0,0"; STYLE=Position:absolute;LEFT:0;TOP:0 after ALIGN =LEFT ID =RbxHandler WIDTH = 830 HEIGHT = 586 ALIGN = left onfocus="doMouseEnter();" onblur = "doMouseOut();" onmouseenter="doMouseEnter();" onmouseleave="doMouseOut();"> <PARAM NAME = movie VALUE = "Velkommen.swf"> <PARAM NAME = quality VALUE = high> <PARAM NAME = bgcolor VALUE = #FFFFFF> <PARAM NAME = menu VALUE = FALSE> <PARAM NAME = scale VALUE = exactfit> <EMBED Src = "Velkommen.swf" quality = high bgcolor = #FFFFFF WIDTH = 830 HEIGHT = 586 swLiveConnect = true NAME = RbxHandler TYPE = "application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE = "";> </EMBED> </OBJECT>

What am I not seeing\doing right here?

best regards, Thomas Kjeldahl Nilsson Oslo, Norway

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