Although I don't do a full Cocoon build in Eclipse I do build part of it for
my project in Eclipse. In this I followed the setup in

> I would like to build Cocoon in Eclipse (3.1 M3 to be exact) 
> and I have
> followed instructions on this page:
> What confuses me is this part:
> <!-- =========================================================== -->
>   <!-- Use the Eclipse compiler if we are running in eclipse       -->
>   <!-- =========================================================== -->
>   <target name="properties" if="eclipse.running">
>     <property name="build.compiler"
> value="org.eclipse.jdt.core.JDTCompilerAdapter"/>
>   </target>

Note that the wiki page describes Eclipse 2.1 and there are big differences
between 2.1 and 3.X. If I understand correctly, there is a target in the
build.xml to create Eclipse files so Cocoon can be set up in Eclipse.
> With or without that piece, when I try to run an Ant build 
> for the webapp
> target:
> Buildfile: 
> C:\local\eclipse-scratchpad-workspace\cocoon-2.1.6\build.xml
> init:
> init-tasks:
>      [copy] Copying 18 files to
> C:\local\eclipse-scratchpad-workspace\cocoon-2.1.6\build\cocoo
> n-2.1.6\classes
>      [copy] Copied 60 empty directories to 32 empty directories under
> C:\local\eclipse-scratchpad-workspace\cocoon-2.1.6\build\cocoo
> n-2.1.6\classes
>     [javac] Compiling 541 source files to
> C:\local\eclipse-scratchpad-workspace\cocoon-2.1.6\build\cocoo
> n-2.1.6\classes
> compile-deprecated:
>     [mkdir] Created dir:
> C:\local\eclipse-scratchpad-workspace\cocoon-2.1.6\build\cocoo
> n-2.1.6\deprecated
> BUILD FAILED: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
> Total time: 27 seconds

This error is due to the fact that Eclipse uses ant 1.6.2 and Cocoon uses
ant 1.6.1. This error has been mentioned before on either this list or the
dev list. I myself solve the problem by having Eclipse point to  the ant
1.6.1 home, but in those messages you can also read someone else's approach.

> In fact, what I never understood about the Eclipse / Ant thing:
> The philosophy of Eclipse is to compile a Java class as soon 
> as it sees it.
> And it decides itself where to but it. How is that compatible 
> with the idea
> of Ant where you specify on a very granular basis what to do when.

If you setup Eclipse to build into the same build structure that Ant does,
it works. If I'm not mistaken that is exactly what the eclipse target in the
build.xml does.


Bye, Helma

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