I am using pageLabels. 

Here is my sitemap . I tried id and pageLabel=quotehistory in the
redirect-to uri none of them worked.

<map:match pattern="loginprojects">
        <map:act type="auth-loggedIn">
          <map:parameter name="handler" value="portalhandler"/> 
          <map:redirect-to uri="portal"/>
                <map:select type="session-attribute">
                <map:parameter name="attribute-name" value="project"/>
                <map:when test="tes1t1">
                        <map:act type="auth-login">
                          <map:parameter name="handler"
                          <map:parameter name="parameter_name"
                          <map:parameter name="parameter_password"
                          <map:parameter name="parameter_project"

                        <map:redirect-to uri="logintest1"/>

Here is part of portal.xml in profiles/copletdata directory. 

<coplet-data id="quotehistory" name="standard">
      <title>Security Quote History:</title>
        <value xsi:type="java:java.lang.String"

In portal.xml in copletinstancedata here is the part of quotehistory

   <coplet-instance-data id="quotehistory-1" name="standard">

Am  I doing something wrong here.

Thank you for replying


On Fri, 2004-12-10 at 22:40, Ralph Goers wrote:
> Anna,
> I can't tell if you are using page labels or bookmarks.  If you are not 
> using either one then this just won't work. If you are using bookmarks 
> then I guess we'd also need to see the configuraiton for that.  If you 
> are using page labels I'd expect the url to be 
> portal?pageLabel=quotehistory unless you changed the request parameter 
> name in the configuration.
> Ralph
> Anna Bikkina wrote:
> >Here is my sitemap. I am using redirect-to uri portal?id=quotehistory
> >quotehistory is the name of  second tab in the portal page. I want that
> >to be selected when user opens the portal page.
> >
> >    <map:match pattern="loginprojects">
> >        <map:act type="auth-loggedIn">
> >          <map:parameter name="handler" value="portalhandler"/> 
> >          <map:redirect-to uri="portal"/>
> >        </map:act>
> >             <map:select type="session-attribute">
> >             <map:parameter name="attribute-name" value="project"/>
> >             <map:when test="tes1t1">
> >                     <map:act type="auth-login">
> >                       <map:parameter name="handler" value="portalhandler"/>
> >                       <map:parameter name="parameter_name"
> >value="{session-attr:traderid}"/>
> >                       <map:parameter name="parameter_password"
> >value="{session-attr:sessionid}"/>
> >                       <map:parameter name="parameter_project"
> >value="{session-attr:project}"/>
> >
> >                           <map:redirect-to uri="portal?id=quotehistory"/>
> >                     </map:act>                                              
> >             </map:when>
> >             <map:otherwise>
> >                     <map:redirect-to uri="logintest1"/>
> >             </map:otherwise>
> >     </map:select>
> >    </map:match>
> >
> >
> >
> >In portal.xml in profiles/copletdata directory I have the this
> >information along with the other tabs
> >
> >   <coplet-data id="quotehistory" name="standard">
> >      <title>Security Quote History:</title>
> >      <coplet-base-data>URICoplet</coplet-base-data>
> >      <attribute>
> >             <name>uri</name>
> >             <value xsi:type="java:java.lang.String"
> >xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";>cocoon:/coplets/search/quotehistory.xsp</value>
> >      </attribute>
> >   </coplet-data> 
> >
> >
> >Not sure where it is going wrong but it doesnt go to tab2. I goes to
> >tab1 as it does by default.
> >
> >On Thu, 2004-12-09 at 16:14, Ralph Goers wrote:
> >  
> >
> >>Please post the relevant portions of your sitemap.
> >>
> >>Ralph
> >>
> >>
> >>Anna Bikkina said:
> >>    
> >>
> >>>I was doing exactly the same. It didnt work. Is there any other way I
> >>>can try.
> >>>
> >>>Thank you for answering.
> >>>
> >>>Anna.
> >>>      
> >>>
> >
> >  
> >
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