Sorry I missed this post because it got mixed in the rest of the Cocoon
users posts while I expected it to show up in my inbox only.

I have looked at "external tools" and "ant build..." and noticed what the
difference is:

If you right click on the the build.xml file in your Cocoon repository and
select "external tools" it shows a large dialog with on the left a tree kind
of list with "ant build" at the top. Below that are various ant
configurations, based on the various build.xml files in your workspace. If
you select the ant build configuration for that build file (note that you
can have multiple ant configurations for one build file).

If you right click and choose "ant build..." you get the same dialog box but
without the tree list on the left and the current ant configuration for this
build file. 

So both lead to the same configuration setting.

> >> presumably it runs inside the same VM as eclipse, and you 
> can add these
> >> options to your eclipse startup parameters.
> >> i use eclipse.exe -Xmx1024m -Xms512m , for instance.

I use similar settings too, but these modify the memory used by Eclipse.
They are necessary because the defaults are not sufficient to run a large
project like Cocoon. 

> I remember having seen an option to run it in a separate VM 
> (which might be
> better for speed and memory usage) but I cannot find that 
> right now. The
> other question would be if I want to tamper with the endorsed 
> libs for the
> VM that Eclipse runs in?!?

I too am reluctant to modify Eclipse for requirements in Cocoon, but there
is a possibility to make Ant run in its own VM with it's own settings.

Have a look at the above dialog (ant build...) and select tab JRE. There you
can select either "same VM" or "separate VM". Below is a box for entering VM
arguments = -D......

I had a look at my own configuration and I simply added all relevant
endorsed libs to the project properties (i.e. right click on project name,
select properties, select Java Build path, select libraries, select add
jars.., only the jars that are not included in the build path will show up
in the dialog. Click around to see what you need).

> > > 1. External tasks. The Cocoon build process starts with 
> building some Ant
> > > tasks (one of them being XPatch) that get used 
> immediately during the
> > very
> > > same run of Ant. I actually wonder why that is and why 
> those tasks are
> > not
> > > readily compiled to .class files inside the tools branch 
> of the Cocoon

I suppose the simple answer is that these files are also under development
and if I'm not mistaken there have been some changes to them recently.

> > > tarball. (@all: if this is by design: let me know. If 
> this is by chance it might be worth debating.)

So I think it's by design.


Bye, Helma

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