Murray Cassie wrote:

we have implemented a range validation like this:

<fd:datatype base="integer"/>
                <fd:range min="0" max="50000">
                    <fd:failmessage>Valid range is
between 0 and 50000.</fd:failmessage>

We get the error message when a number is entered that
is outside the given range and when a string like
"abc" is entered.

Problem: when we enter something like "3abc" this is
treated like a correct entry. All characters after the
first that is no number are cut off and only the first
numbers are evaluated.

This might be wanted behaviour, but not according to
our spec.

Any suggestions how we can change this???

As a workaround, add a regexp validation that makes sure that only [0-9] is allowed. But the behaviour is strange because the datatype "integer" should make sure that only an integer is valid.


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