Hello Cocooners,

after several months of practicing cocoon it still takes me hours
and days to get some tricky things working. Hope I'm not the
only one making this experience ;)

Let me explain what I'm trying to do and perhaps someone can help
me with that.

I've written a custom generator which makes a Lotus Domino connection
and fetches xml out of a domino database. This generator is part of
a pipeline which serves the content for a CachingURICoplet in the cocoon
portal. The generator works similar to the Portal ProxyTransformer, that
means it is making a http-connection to the domino server and using the
domino specific url syntax.


        (returns xml stream)

The initial parameters are passed to the generator through the coplet-data
like this

        <coplet-data id="ID" name="standard">
                        <value xsi:type="java:java.lang.Boolean" 
                        <value xsi:type="java:java.lang.Boolean" 
                        <value xsi:type="java.lang.String" 

For the coplet content the following pipeline is triggered:

        <map:match pattern="domino/view">
                <map:generate type="domino" />
                <map:transform src="styles/view2html.xsl">
                        <map:parameter name="use-request-parameters" 
                <map:serialize type="html" />

Now my problem:
The domino server delivers only ten entries of the view because I told it 
so ('Count=10').
If there are more than ten entries in the view I need to generate links in 
the coplet which
reload the content of the coplet with different URL parameters. This means 
the pipeline
has to be executed again and the portal page has to be updated. So what 
I'm trying
to implement is some kind of google-like paging mechanism which stays in 
the context of
a portal coplet.

I know that I have to generate portal-events and specify the copletId and 
to do that, but I'm not sure which events I have to call and how to 
achieve that.

Another possibility is that I'm completly wrong and I could use the 
to realize this. But the ProxyTransformer seams to expect html or xhtml to 
work correctly
and the LinkTransformer needs the content of a ProxyTransfomer Instance to 
translate links.

So if there's any experienced cocoon portal user out there who can help me 
domino urls into portal-events, I would really appreciate it.

Thanks in advance,

David Duhme.

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