jxtg? okay, but i need microsoft excel as and ouput format and 

i do't see how JXTG could help me here...

i would need one excel-row for each row element...

i was thinking that i miss a <xsl:for-each ...> instruction

but i dunno where/how to apply this...

(the transformation works fine to WML and PDF btw) 

any hints? (stylesheet > see below)

thanks a lot!


> Yep. Your guess is right! You are overwrite the first with the second. You

> need to use a variable to move to the next row. As a solution, try to use

> JXTemplate.


> Best Regards,


> Antonio Gallardo.


> On Mie, 26 de Enero de 2005, 6:04, Philipp Rech dijo:

> > Hello Cocooners,

> >

> > [Cocoon Version 2.1.6]

> >

> > i have the following xml file (see below) which is the result of a db

> > querry

> > (from Cocoon)... when i transfrom it with the stylesheet (see below) using

> > the

> > transfomer within Cocoon an excel sheet opens but with only one row in it

> > (the

> > one with the last id) but i need all elements in diferent rows... so only

> > the

> > last <row> element with the <eventid>2</eventid> gets displayed but not

> > both of

> > them... my guess was thet the first one is processed but is overwritten by

> > the

> > last one (see my xml and xsl file below)

> >

> > thank you very much!

> > phil

> >

> > ps: i already asekd on the poi-user list but

> > got no reply...

> >

> >

> > here is my xml file:

> > --------------------------------

> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>

> > <page>

> > <content>

> > <rowset xmlns:sql="http://apache.org/cocoon/SQL/2.0";

> > xmlns="http://apache.org/cocoon/SQL/2.0";>

> >  <row>

> >   <eventid>3</eventid>

> >   <typeofcontrol>Control Type A</typeofcontrol>

> >   <trafficdirection>Entry</trafficdirection>

> >   <checkpoint>Blue Border</checkpoint>

> >   <klassification>illigal</klassification>

> >   <checklocation>black sea</checklocation>

> >   <guard_1>Philipp</guard_1>

> >   <guard_2>Peter Pan</guard_2>

> >   <objection>smug</objection>

> >   <dtg>2005-01-01</dtg>

> >   <location>black sea</location>

> >   <description></description>

> >   <numberofpersons>3</numberofpersons>

> >   <observed>Yes</observed>

> > </row>

> > <row>

> >   <eventid>2</eventid>

> >   <typeofcontrol>Control Type B</typeofcontrol>

> >   <trafficdirection>Leave/trafficdirection>

> >   <checkpoint>Airport</checkpoint>

> >   <klassification>illigal entry</klassification>

> >   <checklocation>airport hall 2</checklocation>

> >   <guard_1>Philipp</guard_1>

> >   <guard_2>Stepht</guard_2>

> >   <objection>illigal enrty</objection>

> >   <dtg>2005-01-12</dtg>

> >   <location>airport somewhere</location>

> >   <description>none</description>

> >   <numberofpersons>1</numberofpersons>

> >   <observed>No</observed>

> >   </row>

> >    </rowset>

> >   </content>

> >   </page>

> > ---------------------------------

> >

> >

> > here is my xsl file:

> >

> > -----------------------------

> >

> > <?xml version="1.0"?>

> > <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"

> > xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform";

> >                               xmlns:sql="http://apache.org/cocoon/SQL/2.0";

> >                              xmlns:gmr="http://www.gnome.org/gnumeric/v7";

> > >

> >

> >   <xsl:template match="/">

> >    <gmr:Workbook xmlns:gmr="http://www.gnome.org/gnumeric/v7";>

> >      <gmr:Sheets>

> >          <gmr:Sheet DisplayFormulas="false" HideZero="false"

> > HideGrid="false"

> > HideColHeader="false" HideRowHeader="false" DisplayOutlines="true"

> > OutlineSymbolsBelow="true" OutlineSymbolsRight="true">

> >              <gmr:Name>BIHS - Event Data</gmr:Name>

> >              <gmr:MaxCol>2</gmr:MaxCol>

> >              <gmr:Cols DefaultSizePts="48">

> >                      <gmr:ColInfo No="0" Unit="48" MarginA="2" MarginB="2"

> > Count="7"/>

> >                  </gmr:Cols>

> >                      <gmr:Rows DefaultSizePts="12.8">

> >                             <gmr:RowInfo No="0" Unit="12.8" MarginA="0" 
> > MarginB="0"

> > Count="9"/>

> >                             <gmr:RowInfo No="10" Unit="12.8" MarginA="1" 
> > MarginB="0"

> > Count="24"/>

> >                      </gmr:Rows>

> >              <gmr:Cells>

> >                             <xsl:apply-templates/>

> >                  </gmr:Cells>

> >             </gmr:Sheet>

> >      </gmr:Sheets>

> >     </gmr:Workbook>

> >   </xsl:template>

> >

> >

> >

> >   <xsl:template match="sql:eventid">

> >      <gmr:Cell Col="0" ValueType="60">

> >       <xsl:variable name="rownumber"><xsl:number level="any"

> > from="content"

> > count="row"/></xsl:variable>

> >       <xsl:attribute name="Row">

> >          <xsl:value-of select="$rownumber"/>

> >       </xsl:attribute>

> >        <gmr:Content>

> >             <xsl:apply-templates/>

> >     </gmr:Content>

> >      </gmr:Cell>

> >   </xsl:template>

> >

> >

> >   <xsl:template match="sql:typeofcontrol">

> >      <gmr:Cell Col="1" ValueType="60">

> >       <xsl:variable name="rownumber"><xsl:number level="any"

> > from="content"

> > count="row"/></xsl:variable>

> >       <xsl:attribute name="Row">

> >          <xsl:value-of select="$rownumber"/>

> >       </xsl:attribute>

> >        <gmr:Content>

> >             <xsl:apply-templates/>

> >     </gmr:Content>

> >      </gmr:Cell>

> >   </xsl:template>

> >

> >

> >   <xsl:template match="sql:trafficdirection">

> >      <gmr:Cell Col="2" ValueType="60">

> >       <xsl:variable name="rownumber"><xsl:number level="any"

> > from="content"

> > count="row"/></xsl:variable>

> >       <xsl:attribute name="Row">

> >          <xsl:value-of select="$rownumber"/>

> >       </xsl:attribute>

> >        <gmr:Content>

> >             <xsl:apply-templates/>

> >     </gmr:Content>

> >      </gmr:Cell>

> >   </xsl:template>

> >

> >

> >

> >   <xsl:template match="sql:checkpoint ">

> >      <gmr:Cell Col="3" ValueType="60">

> >       <xsl:variable name="rownumber"><xsl:number level="any"

> > from="content"

> > count="row"/></xsl:variable>

> >       <xsl:attribute name="Row">

> >          <xsl:value-of select="$rownumber"/>

> >       </xsl:attribute>

> >        <gmr:Content>

> >             <xsl:apply-templates/>

> >     </gmr:Content>

> >      </gmr:Cell>

> >   </xsl:template>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >   <xsl:template match="sql:klassification">

> >      <gmr:Cell Col="4" ValueType="60">

> >       <xsl:variable name="rownumber"><xsl:number level="any"

> > from="content"

> > count="row"/></xsl:variable>

> >       <xsl:attribute name="Row">

> >          <xsl:value-of select="$rownumber"/>

> >       </xsl:attribute>

> >        <gmr:Content>

> >             <xsl:apply-templates/>

> >     </gmr:Content>

> >      </gmr:Cell>

> >   </xsl:template>

> >

> >

> >

> >   <xsl:template match="sql:guard_1">

> >      <gmr:Cell Col="5" ValueType="60">

> >       <xsl:variable name="rownumber"><xsl:number level="any"

> > from="content"

> > count="row"/></xsl:variable>

> >       <xsl:attribute name="Row">

> >          <xsl:value-of select="$rownumber"/>

> >       </xsl:attribute>

> >        <gmr:Content>

> >             <xsl:apply-templates/>

> >     </gmr:Content>

> >      </gmr:Cell>

> >   </xsl:template>

> >

> >   <xsl:template match="sql:guard_2">

> >      <gmr:Cell Col="6" ValueType="60">

> >       <xsl:variable name="rownumber"><xsl:number level="any"

> > from="content"

> > count="row"/></xsl:variable>

> >       <xsl:attribute name="Row">

> >          <xsl:value-of select="$rownumber"/>

> >       </xsl:attribute>

> >        <gmr:Content>

> >             <xsl:apply-templates/>

> >     </gmr:Content>

> >      </gmr:Cell>

> >   </xsl:template>

> >

> >   <xsl:template match="sql:objection">

> >      <gmr:Cell Col="7" ValueType="60">

> >       <xsl:variable name="rownumber"><xsl:number level="any"

> > from="content"

> > count="row"/></xsl:variable>

> >       <xsl:attribute name="Row">

> >          <xsl:value-of select="$rownumber"/>

> >       </xsl:attribute>

> >        <gmr:Content>

> >             <xsl:apply-templates/>

> >     </gmr:Content>

> >      </gmr:Cell>

> >   </xsl:template>

> >   <xsl:template match="sql:dtg">

> >      <gmr:Cell Col="8" ValueType="60">

> >       <xsl:variable name="rownumber"><xsl:number level="any"

> > from="content"

> > count="row"/></xsl:variable>

> >       <xsl:attribute name="Row">

> >          <xsl:value-of select="$rownumber"/>

> >       </xsl:attribute>

> >        <gmr:Content>

> >             <xsl:apply-templates/>

> >     </gmr:Content>

> >      </gmr:Cell>

> >   </xsl:template>

> >   <xsl:template match="sql:location">

> >      <gmr:Cell Col="9" ValueType="60">

> >       <xsl:variable name="rownumber"><xsl:number level="any"

> > from="content"

> > count="row"/></xsl:variable>

> >       <xsl:attribute name="Row">

> >          <xsl:value-of select="$rownumber"/>

> >       </xsl:attribute>

> >        <gmr:Content>

> >             <xsl:apply-templates/>

> >     </gmr:Content>

> >      </gmr:Cell>

> >   </xsl:template>

> >   <xsl:template match="sql:description">

> >      <gmr:Cell Col="10" ValueType="60">

> >       <xsl:variable name="rownumber"><xsl:number level="any"

> > from="content"

> > count="row"/></xsl:variable>

> >       <xsl:attribute name="Row">

> >          <xsl:value-of select="$rownumber"/>

> >       </xsl:attribute>

> >        <gmr:Content>

> >             <xsl:apply-templates/>

> >     </gmr:Content>

> >      </gmr:Cell>

> >   </xsl:template>  <xsl:template match="sql:numberofpersons">

> >      <gmr:Cell Col="11" ValueType="60">

> >       <xsl:variable name="rownumber"><xsl:number level="any"

> > from="content"

> > count="row"/></xsl:variable>

> >       <xsl:attribute name="Row">

> >          <xsl:value-of select="$rownumber"/>

> >       </xsl:attribute>

> >        <gmr:Content>

> >             <xsl:apply-templates/>

> >     </gmr:Content>

> >      </gmr:Cell>

> >   </xsl:template>  <xsl:template match="sql:observed">

> >      <gmr:Cell Col="12" ValueType="60">

> >       <xsl:variable name="rownumber"><xsl:number level="any"

> > from="content"

> > count="row"/></xsl:variable>

> >       <xsl:attribute name="Row">

> >          <xsl:value-of select="$rownumber"/>

> >       </xsl:attribute>

> >        <gmr:Content>

> >             <xsl:apply-templates/>

> >     </gmr:Content>

> >      </gmr:Cell>

> >   </xsl:template>

> >

> >

> >

> > </xsl:stylesheet>

> >

> >

> > ----------------------------------

> >


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