Title: Message
Hi Mark,
For the first question, modify your sitemap.xmap
The default is probably something like this:
  <!-- main pipeline -->
    <!-- welcome page -->
    <map:match pattern="">
Change it to this:
  <!-- main pipeline -->
    <!-- welcome page -->
    <map:match pattern="index.html">
I think the index.html portion of the url  ( http://localhost:7001/cocoon/  )is added by Weblogic.
I'm not sure on the answer to the second question.  I'm guessing not.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Hibbard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 9:09 AM
To: users@cocoon.apache.org
Subject: Cocoon on Weblogic 8 / Cocoon Forms standalone



I’m totally new to Cocoon but have the following questions, which may just be damn stupid, or impossible, but if you don’t ask…




I’ve tried to deploy Cocoon on weblogic 8 – with a degree of success – it deploys with no errors – but not all pages seem to work – ie.


works, yet the URL


does not work

-          no pipeline matced request: index.html


I thought that would show the welcome to cocoon?




Is it possible to use just CocoonForms – without the whole of cocoon.


For example – if I’m writing my app and I want to use cocoon forms – can I do this without integrating the whole of cocoon into my app?


Thanks, and apologies if these questions are dumb!



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