Title: Development Env' - Cocoon, Eclipse and Tomcat - Newbie question

See my answers below,


De: Elad Messing [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: jueves, 10 de febrero de 2005 15:11
Para: Perez Carmona, David
Asunto: AW: Development Env' - Cocoon, Eclipse and Tomcat - Newbie question


Dear David

    Sorry for writing in private, but I do not want to clutter the mailing list.

 [David] I think it is better to use the mailing list, other users, that may have the same problem, will benefit also.

    I seem to miss something. Let me repeat the steps I think you meant in your reply :


    1. From the cocoon dist, compile the source.

    2. Now I have the build directory with the examples, doc and all.

    3. Add a new Tomcat Project in Eclipse.

    4. link all the jars in the Coccon_Build\WEB-INF\LIB to the Eclipse new project's class-path.


    Opened questions :

    1. As Eclipse already create a "WEB-INF\SRC" directory - what should I do in your step 2 ?

[David]The WEB-INF/src and WEB-INF/classes folders are just for code in custom components.

    2. As Eclipse compile all sources in "WEB-INF\SRC" directory into a "WEB-INF\CLASSES" directory - what should I do in your step 3 ?

    3. What about the web.xml, the xmap and conf files that are compiled in the "Coccon_Build\WEB-INF" directory ? are they not needed ?

 [David] Of course they are needed.  Cocoon is a regular servlet app and any servlet needs a web.xml file.  Look at the servlet specification, specially its directory structure, it is quite simple

    Sorry for my ignorance in the matter :)


[David] If you are using Java 1.4, put in tomcat/common/endorsed/ the following files provided with Cocoon:

  1. xalan*.jar
  2. xerces*.jar
  3. xml-apis.jar




Von: Perez Carmona, David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 10. Februar 2005 14:45
An: users@cocoon.apache.org
Betreff: RE: Development Env' - Cocoon, Eclipse and Tomcat - Newbie question


I have managed to use Cocoon 2.1.x under Eclipse 2 and Eclipse 3, with Tomcat and the Sysdeo plugin, I haven’t done anything special, just

1.   adding WEB-INF/lib/*.jar to the CLASSPATH,

2.   set the source files in WEB-INF/src and

3.   the output folder to WEB-INF/classes.

Maybe you have misconfigured the Sysdeo plugin.

De: Elad Messing [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: miércoles, 09 de febrero de 2005 16:34
Para: users@cocoon.apache.org
Asunto: Development Env' - Cocoon, Eclipse and Tomcat - Newbie question


Hello again !

        After reading a bit about cocoon, while looking for a framework for a multi-profile (client profiles) web application framework, I have decided to delve deeper into Cocoon.


        BUT (there is always a but)

        I am bugging you to understand better how I should build my environment.

        I would like to use Tomcat. This I managed to do. I have build Cocoon and copied the directory to my Tomcat's "webapps" directory. All the examples works.

        Now I would like to develop - for this I use Eclipse. When I need to develop on tomcat - I use the "Sysdeo" Plugin - this allows me to develop, deploy and debug my code my local Tomcat.


        Now Cocoon.

        Usually when I develop code with a framework (I.E. Tapestry) - I add a new "Tomcat project" , add some framework libraries/resource files/etc to my Eclipse project, add some of my own application code, compile, and using the Plugin - connect it to Tomcat running in Eclipse - for testing.

        When I went through the Eclipse related documentation for cocoon - I saw some notes about building it under Eclipse, but failed to really understand what is needed to build an Eclipse environment to develop cocoon based applications. I have already built cocoon (outside Eclipse), and now have the binaries. Now what ?

        I have went through the following resources :

        1. http://wiki.apache.org/cocoon/LoadInEclipse - Where I managed to import all of the cocoon source into an Eclipse project. Not sure this is needed….

        2. http://wiki.apache.org/cocoon/GetStarted?action=""> - Where I tuned my "Sysdeo" Plugin to work with my Tomcat, and also installed some XML related plugins.

        3. http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=xml-cocoon-users&m=105472994930132&w=2 - Where I didn't understood where to start.


        So basically my question is : What steps should I follow in order to have an Eclipse project, with the needed libraries/files/etc where I can add my own application files, and use the Eclipse-Tomcat Plugin to have it running in Tomcat in a way that I can also debug it.

        It looks like I might be missing something big here - So any help will be appreciated..




Elad Messing

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