On Mar, 22 de Febrero de 2005, 16:00, Schultz, Gary - COMM dijo:
> I need to use JavaScript in a web page. I having trouble with using && in
> an
> if {...}. I get the error "The entity name must immediately follow the '&'
> in the entity reference."
> I'm not sure where to set the name for the entity reference. I have tried
> <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"> and still get the error. I've
> read
> stuff from Michael Kay and Jeni Tennison, et al, and still can't get it to
> work.
> What do I need to do in Cocoon to get && to come out as && in the
> resulting
> html. I get the error whether I serialize as html or xml, makes no
> difference.

Try to put it in a separated file and include the file in your out page
inside the <head> using:

<script type="text/javascript" src="resources/my.js"/>

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

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