Hi there,

Wrap (part of) the matches in a pipeline with type="noncaching". As far as I know, request-params are ignored in identifying cached results. :-(


Ben Pope wrote:


I should note that not putting an .html or .xml on the end works nicely, so
it seems that the wrappers are to blame.

Ben Pope wrote:


I have some generic pipelines that return data in xml.

I then wrap those pipelines with generator / serialisers to choose the output type. E.g.,

<map:match pattern="*/*/Form"> ... <map:call function... </map:match>

<map:match pattern="*/*/FormPipeline">
  <map:serialize type="xml"/>

<!-- And the wrappers: -->

<map:match pattern="*/*/*.xml">
  <map:generate src="cocoon:/{1}/{2}/{3}"/>
  <map:serialize type="xml"/>

<map:match pattern="*/*/*.pdf">
  <map:generate src="cocoon:/{1}/{2}/{3}.html"/>
  <map:transform src="style/xhtml-to-xslfo.xsl" type="xslt"/>
  <map:serialize type="fo2pdf"/>

<!-- Default -->
<map:match pattern="*/*/*.*">
  <map:generate src="cocoon:/{1}/{2}/{3}"/>
  <map:serialize type="xhtml"/>

It looks as if the output gets cached, when I request a form like:


I get the correct page, so I request:


And get the correct page. However, all other requests to the first (id=0), now result in the second pipeline (id=1), including things like continuation IDs. The problem must in cocoon (as opposed to browser cache), as the console correctly prints out debug data from the flow, every time I make the request.

How do I prevent this 'caching'?

I hope that clear enough.

Cheers for your time,

Ben Pope

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