In the sitemap, in a pipeline, after xsl transfomration, I am gettign an xml file. After that I am calling <map:call resource> to zip the contents using zipArchiveSerialzer. Now I am gettign the document title as an attribute to the root element in my xml.
Following is my xml which is dynamically created using XSL transformation:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<zip:archive xmlns:zip="http://apache.org/cocoon/zip-archive/1.0" title="sometitle.zip">
<zip:entry name="xyz.ppt" src=""><zip:entry name="abc.pdf" src=""></zip:archive>

My problem is:
Now how can I pass the title attibute to <map:call resource="someresoource">?
Please help me. this is very urgent requirement for me.

Thanks & Regards,

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