Thanks Chris.

Christian Könitzer wrote:


You define your field's in a file called e.g. "forms.xml":
(this is an example of a dropeDown List)

<fd:field id="availableBookmarks" required="false">

<fd:datatype base="string"/> <fd:selection-list type="flow-jxpath"
value-path="."> </fd:selection-list>

But your styling-information doesn't belong inside it.
For that you have an other file called e.g. "template.xml" (it's like yout HTML-file):

<ft:widget id="availableBookmarks">
   <fi:styling size="1" />
   <fi:styling onchange="javascript:sendForm('change_type');"/>
You see, for each styling information you can make an own entry.

So, if you like to make a radio-botton, but this example in your "forms.xml":
<fd:field id="adresse1b" required="false">
<fd:datatype base="integer"/>
<fd:selection-list >
<fd:item value="0"><fd:label><i18n:text>STRASSE</i18n:text></fd:label></fd:item>
<fd:item value="1"><fd:label><i18n:text>ANDERE_ANGABEN</i18n:text></fd:label></fd:item>


and this example in your "template.xml":
   <ft:widget id="adresse1b">
       <fi:styling list-type="radio"/>
[as much more styling as you like to have]


I hope you understand :)

Regards Chris

Philippe Guillard wrote:

Hi all,

It seems that the usual way to add some attributes to a field in CForms is to use fi:styling tags.

I tried this on a fd:field without success : <fi:styling list-type="radio" onChange="javascript: test();"/>, it seems that i can only add one attribute, in that case list-type or onChange, but not the two. I checked forms-field-styling.xsl and added :

<xsl:template match="fi:styling/@onChange" mode="styling">
<xsl:attribute name="onchange"><xsl:copy-of select="."/></xsl:attribute>

No result the onChange attribute is not copied.

Any idea?


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