Just a "quick shot" from my debugpistol:

is this correct: src="html\iframe.htm" ?
shouldn't it be  src="html/iframe.htm" ?

Roberto Marra wrote:
Hi all,
I made an xsl file to transform an xml file, this xsl file got inside this:
<iframe src="html\iframe.htm" name="anything" width="100%" height="100%" scrolling="yes"/>
the sitemap is:
<map:match pattern="**.htm"><map:read src="{1}.htm"/></map:match>
if I test the xsl with xmlspy it works, I mean it open a window with the file iframe.htm, if I run everything with cocoon dosn't work, I don't see anything, but I don't have any error in log file. The access.log file say that:
INFO (2005-03-16) 14:11.04:487 [access] (/mf/html/iframe.htm) PoolThread-4/CocoonServlet: 'mf/html/iframe.htm' Processed by Apache Cocoon in 10 milliseconds.
Interesting is that with mozilla it works.
Any suggestion?
Thanx in advance

-- Gruss, Jan Hinzmann

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