Andre Juffer wrote:
Leszek Gawron wrote:

Andre Juffer wrote:

Leszek Gawron wrote:

There is no way for the generator to know how xml can be generated out of your domain object. There is no possibility to do that without "helping" the framework. I do not know what is expected from source to be xmlizable. I would have to look into the sources. Or even better do it yourself - you'll get a better knowledge of how cocoon works.

Yes, I thought already that it would go in that direction. I was hoping that reflection was used to get information about a class (e.g. as in Castor).

you can of course use castor generator but I do not know if castor is able to generate anything if it has no mapping file.
I meant transformer

Actually, it can, it will use reflection, at least the documentation tells so:

"Castor can marshal "almost" any arbitrary Object to and from XML. When descriptors are not available for a specfic Class, the marshalling framework uses reflection to gain information about the object."


It does require that the object implements the interface, though, implying that one has to change the relevant DomainObject class (or extend them to create cocoon/castor specific classes).

-- Leszek Gawron [EMAIL PROTECTED] IT Manager MobileBox sp. z o.o. +48 (61) 855 06 67 mobile: +48 (501) 720 812 fax: +48 (61) 853 29 65

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