Hi all,

I am a bit embraced from sending many questions today!!!, anyway here is my question:


I have the following pipeline:



<map:match pattern="login">

<map:generate src=""/>

<map:transform src="">

<map:parameter name="use-request-parameters" value="true"/>


<map:transform type="sql">

<map:parameter name="use-connection" value="newdb"/>


     <map:serialize type="xml"/>



<map:match pattern="dosession">

<map:generate src=""/>

<map:transform type="session"/>

<map:serialize type="xml"/>





How can I tell cocoon to execute the second match pattern "dosession" automatically, because I want the session to be created as soon as the user logs into the system (i.e. when the first match patternl "login" is executed).


Many thanks in advance for your help



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