thomas wrote:

--On Freitag, 13. Mai 2005 12:07 Uhr +0200 Sylvain Wallez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

3 years ago, the cocoon devs were discussing "flow maps", and addition to
the sitemap to define page flow using an XML grammar. We always ended up
with verbose XML languages having control structures (the infamous "if"),
and then some people came with continuations, at first is Scheme (a Lisp
dialect - eck!) and then Javascript, and later pure Java.

Having a real programming language allow to *very easily* write complex
page flows, as you can use all the language's features for control
structures, and simply use regular variables to store the interaction
state. Amazingly easy and powerful.

The main advandage I see to a declarative approach is that it allows to
build visual tools (i.e. graphical editors) to design the flow. But the
underlying XML files are very likely to be a real mess in realworld
complex use cases.

Note however that Cocoon's flow engine is pluggable and that we have 3
versions of it today:
- flowscript, using Javascript to define the flow (business logic should
be kept in Java)
- javaflow, a pure java implementation
- apples, an experimental implementation (used in Daisy IIRC) which may
be actually closer to Spring's approach.

as i understood it the results of a flowscript-operation don't generate sax-events.

a flowscript (or any other alternative) invokes a pipeline

so you can use flowscript only at the end of a pipeline.

the sitemap connects a request with a flowscript call. The flowscript invokes a pipeline that produces SAX events.

that true? and is it equally true for all 3 flow-implementations mentioned above?

that what I said is equal for all 3 alterntaives

in that case i would think that some logic within the
sitemap (the infamous "if") wouldn't be so bad (for very comlex problems one could still decide to leave the sax-stream and use flows).

can't follow you here. what's your usecase?

but i might very well overlook something obvious or essential.

Reinhard Pötz Independent Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach

{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}


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