I'm using Cocoon 2.1.7 in command line mode to generate a static site.
I'm unable to obtain that the CLI command recursively generate the
pages. I only obtain the starting page.

Similarly with the sample cli.xconf, which generate the docs, I've
writed a clisvg.xconf that I call with
cocoon.bat cli -x clisvg.xconf

and in clisvg.xconf which is manly a copy of cli.xconf, I start with
   <uris name="svg" follow-links="true">
     <uri type="append" src-prefix="svgtestsuite/" src="linklist.html"
          dest="build/svgdest/" />
and expect to obtain all the pages referenced in linklist.html. I only
obtain linklist.html.
linklist.html is generated and is mainly a list of lines as:
<a href="intro.html">Introduction</a>
<a href="table.a.html">
                                Samples with element a</a>

In this case, I expect to get linklist.html, intro.html, table.a.html
(which are correctly generated in my static site).

I've tired to analyse in depth the cli.xconf sample (which works),
without obtaining a progress.

Is there some limits on the follow-links parameter? how can I
understand these limits and work with these limits?...

Thank's in advance for any help

Jean-Claude Moissinac
Department of Computer Science and Networks
ENST Paris

Tel: (+33)
Fax: (+33)


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