Hi all,

I have got a long HTML page generated from a pipeline.
My problem is that I do not want to view all content
at once (because it is too long). 
I have used the filter transformer which was great
since it helped in dividing the content into blocks
and then I could choose the appropriate number of
blocks to be displayed.

The page after using the filter transformer looks
similar to something like:

<block id= “1”> 
<block id= “2”> 
<block id= “3”>
<block id= “4”>

The problem now if I want to display to each block on
a separate  page I would need four pipelines. What if
there are 20 blocks, do I need to have 20 pipeline?

I read on the Cocoon documentation that it is possible
to make the values of the count and blocknr properties
as parameters and then  pass their values through  an
action, but to be honest I do not know how to do it!

Hints, ideas or maybe using different techniques would
be appreciated.


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