On Sunday 05 June 2005 01:26, Sebastien Arbogast wrote:
> Well. I found a solution.
> At first I had tried the JXTemplate solution similar to what Zbigniew
> proposed. But effectively it didn't work because all my "<" were
> transformed into "&lt;" etc.
> Finally I understood the role of a function proposed by joose in the
> context of Jan's approach for a web service server, using a JXTemplate
> and a stringToSax flowscript function (see
> http://wiki.apache.org/cocoon/WebServiceServer). And with that it
> worked. Of course it would be cleaner with a custom generator but I
> have never done that and I don't have time to dive into that for the
That was my problem too, i didn't had the time ...

> moment. As one says : if it's not broken, don't fix it.
and one says too: "interim arrangements last the longest"

> But thanks for the hints. If I find extra time to optimize I'll try to
> make my generator and I'll document it.
I'looking forwars to that day! Let me know, if/when you will start with that. 
I'd like to join your development.

greets, Jan
> Cheers
> -- 
> Sebastien ARBOGAST
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Gruß, Jan Hinzmann

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