
It's stated, somewhere in the docs, that the modular database action (an action) is the prefered way of inserting/updating/deleting data in to a database and esql was prefered for reading from a database. I could use esql using a dynamic xsp page, but I would prefer to store the xml documen directly from the request stream without any transformation or serialization to it, for performance reasons mainly, and simpleness secondly.

I thought the modular database action (an action) was the only way of storing binary data to a database. Is there other ways?


Geert Josten wrote:


SQLTransformer is part of the databases block I believe. But if you prefer esql (which is part of XSP I believe), than stream the XML, wrap it in ESQL statements with some XSL sheet and than get that executed as an (dynamically generated) XSP...

Anyhow, I don't think you will be able to let any action influence the current data stream. That is not what actions are intended for. Actions are intended for side effects. Logging in, creating a session, logging info, etc. You will have to use a transformer or generator for this, I'm afraid.

(correct me if I'm wrong, anyone)


Jonas Höglund wrote:

I thought the SQL Transformer was deprected, and the modular database action was the preferd way of inserting/updating data in a database. I would prefer sticking to the modular database action over using yet another way of calling the database.


Geert Josten wrote:

I believe there is an SQL Transformer around somewhere. Is it possible to wrap the XML data into an xml sql statement (of the transformers namespace) and putting that through the transformer?


Jonas Hvglund wrote:


Can anyone help me to explain how to store/save a xml document (the request body) send to the server as a xmlHttpRequest to a field in a database. I've been able to process the xmlHttpRequest request through the stream generator and saving data from nodes in the xml document through xslt transformation and esql logicsheet, but what I realy want is to store the complet xml document to the database. I've been playing araound with modulare database action, but have not found a solution to my problem. Is it possible, and if so, how? BTW, I don't know any Java, so writing a custom component is not a option to me.


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