Roberto Marra wrote:
> Hi guys,
> still here with some problem of binding. Let me explain the situation.
> First of all a snipped of how the file are made:
> -- Binding file --
> ...
> <fb:value id="indirizzo1" path="indirizzo"/>
> <fb:value id="cap" path="cap"/>
> <fb:javascript id="nazione" path=".">

I suspect this path to be wrong?

Reading those 3 together assumes there is one object in memory (let's
call it x) upon which you're doing:

x = doCountryConversion(form.lookupWidget("nazione").getValue());

(since you only provided a snippet the lookup-paths probably miss out on
some context-prefixes)

I hope you see better now whatis strange about it: why set two fields in
x before replacing it completely?

> <fb:load-form/>
> <fb:save-form>
>     var formValue = widget.getValue();
>     var appValue = doCountryConversion(formValue);
>     jxpathPointer.setValue(appValue);
> </fb:save-form>
> </fb:javascript>
> ...
> -- File definition --
> ...
> <!-- Nazione -->
> <fd:field id="nazione">
>   <fd:label>Nazione:</fd:label>
>   <fd:datatype base="string"/>
>   <fd:selection-list src="cocoon:/nazioni.list"/>
> </fd:field>
> ...
> -- Java Bean --
> public class ContactBean {
>   private Country nazione;
>   public Country getNazione(){
>     return this.nazione;
>   }
>   public void setNazione(Country _nazione){
>       this.nazione = _nazione;
>   }
> }
> The problem is when the binding is doing this
> "jxpathPointer.setValue(appValue);" I got this error:
>   An Error Occurred
> uncaught JavaScript exception: at contatti (file:/D:/Programmi/Apache
> Group/cocoon-, Line 41) at
> (resource://org/apache/cocoon/forms/flow/javascript/Form.js, Line 171):
> org.apache.avalon.framework.CascadingRuntimeException: Error invoking
> JavaScript event handler
> org.apache.avalon.framework.CascadingRuntimeException: uncaught
> JavaScript exception: at contatti (file:/D:/Programmi/Apache
> Group/cocoon-, Line 41) at
> (resource://org/apache/cocoon/forms/flow/javascript/Form.js, Line 171):
> org.apache.avalon.framework.CascadingRuntimeException: Error invoking
> JavaScript event handler
> cause: org.mozilla.javascript.JavaScriptException: at top-level script
> (file:/D:/Programmi/Apache
> Group/cocoon-, Line
> 14): java.lang.NullPointerException
> The contatti.xml, Line 14 correspond to
> "jxpathPointer.setValue(appValue);" but appValue is not null there is a
> value!!
> Any suggestion is welcome.

NPE's normally indicate the 'null' is not in the argument, but rather in
the object you call upon. (a lesson to be learned from digging
stacktraces to the bottom-nested cause)

So rather then suspecting 'appValue' we should question what might be
wrong with 'jxpathPointer' (hence my guess about the path being wrong)

Behind the scenes the jxpath based binding is trying something like this

Object current;
Class cls = current.getClass();
Method m = cls.getMethod("setSomeProp", new Class[]{Country.class});
m.invoke(current, new Object[] {newValue});

likely suspects for the NPE are eihter
1/ 'current' meaning the object to set the value upon is simply not
there, or else
2/ 'm' meaning the object passed in doesn't have a setter for the
property 'someProp'

hopefully the full stacktrace can help you make that distinction

else avoid the binding at first and write what you need in clear java or
javascript using lookupWidget() and getValue()

The binding is not a must: it tries to help writing those manual
value-binding statements in a more condense and symmetric fashion (i.e.
one set of statements that deal with both loading and saving), on the
downside however it adds a layer that might obfuscate stacktraces and
debugging and getting the @path statements right is known to be a
daunting adventure from time to time.

Marc Portier                  
Outerthought - Open Source, Java & XML Competence Support Center
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