Hi, I'm having trouble with a binding on a <booleanfield> widget. That is to say, the binding seems to be working fine, but... I'm doing a form.save() to a Flowscript object, and when I try to access the property bound to the <booleanfield>, things aren't working right. I think it might have something to do with some kind of Rhino/LiveScript object wrapping and unwrapping magic that I don't understand...

I have this in a repeater binding:

<fb:value id="selected" path="selected">
<fd:convertor datatype="boolean"/>

Then in the flowscript I, do this to set up the display of the form:

var i = getCatalog().iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
var item = i.next();
catalogChoices.push (
catalogItem: item,
selected: new java.lang.Boolean (false)

form.load (catalogChoices);

After I display the form, I call form.save() on the same catalogChoices object, and then I do this:

var selections = new HashSet();
for (i in catalogChoices) {
var lineItem = catalogChoices[i];
print (lineItem.selected); // What's going on here?!?
if (lineItem.selected) { // always true?!
selections.add (lineItem.catalogItem);
order.setItems (selections);

If I've checked a few of the boxes, here's what gets printed out, e.g.:


...or whatever. But... the code in the 'if' statement always runs!

So I'm trying to figure this out, and I added the following code before calling showForm():

for (i in catalogChoices) {
print (catalogChoices[i].selected.getClass();

Great, it prints 'java.lang.Boolean', as expected. But then if I add the same code after the call to form.save(), I get the exception "getClass is not a function"!

I don't get it! Can anybody explain what's going on?

Thanks a lot,

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