Le 15 juin 05, à 13:58, Upayavira a écrit :
...The point is, there are different people using Cocoon for different
things. We need a lightweight way to integrate SQL and Cocoon forms. And
on the documentation about it it should say "this is only suitable for
_very_ small sites, and will become impractial quickly. You are
recommended to look at hibernate, or OJB (see the OJB block) and use
Java code to create more scalable and maintainable applications"....

I have committed Askild's sample to the Forms block (e http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=35364) but did not add such a disclaimer. If you want to add one, I'm fine with it.

There's no separate documentation, but the front page of the sample contains some explanations, that's where you could put such a warning IMHO.

This technique is of course not the best way for big heavy duty stuff, but one's measure of what big heavy duty stuff is varies ;-)


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