
I did this long time ago, from my memories i would suggest :
1. To refresh the coplet directly, use a cl:link or bookmark, then you can set the cachingURI coplet temporaryURI to the "beginning of the form" url. Page label will not. 2. If you want a form that gives a result with a "ok" button, click on it and return to the same refreshed form, you can do :
while(true) {
3. Personnally i wanted to handle this situation : user fills the form, submit, sees the result, goes elsewhere and come back with the form sown again : i invalidated the CachingURI coplet's cache in flow

Hope it helps,


Angelo Immediata wrote:

Hi; first of all thnks for your replay.
I'm giving to you a lot of annoyance... sorry but we have some problem with the 
pageLabel method. Of course we have all these problems because it's a little 
time we are studing this block so we don't know exactly how it works.

However we are using this link for going again to the home page:

<a href=portal?pageLabel=Home>home</a>

Now i don't want to return to the state it was... i'ld like to restart my flow. 
Is this possible? If so how can i do?

---------- Initial Header -----------

From      : "Ralph Goers" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To          : users@cocoon.apache.org
Cc : Date : Tue, 05 Jul 2005 01:00:12 -0700
Subject : Re: [Cocoon portal] problem in coplet redirect

When you say "return to the home page", do you mean using the browser's back button? If so, I'm wondering if you are really going back to the home page or to the form instead. I'm also wondering if this is another issue with the way page label processing works or if it is something else. What is the url that is used to return? Normally, with page labels I would expect your page to return to exactly the state it was left in - all that happens is a switch back to the page with the events left as they were previously. So if you hit the back button you would go back to showing the form, but you would not have restarted your flow.


Angelo Immediata wrote:

Hi all; i'm using Cocoon 2.1.7; i'm using the portal block and i have some 
problems. I have had some problems in the link rewriting and now i have this 
other problem..
I have this code in my site home page:

var cid = cocoon.parameters["copletId"];
var comune=null;
var selectionForm = new Form("formDefinitions/sceltaComuni.xml");
selectionForm.showForm( "SelezioneEnte.jx");
var comune=selectionForm.lookupWidget("listaComuni").getValue();
cocoon.redirectTo( "portal?pageLabel="+comune , true);

The redirect works fine; it lets me to change page... but when i try to return to the home page i have seen a 
strain behavior; it seems to me that in the home page the coplet doesn't start from the beginning; that is 
the coplet doesn't execute the code "new Form ("formDefinitions/sceltaComuni.xml");" 
moreover if i don't put a required field in the form definition "sceltaComuni.xml" the portal 
blocks goes in a never ending loop.

I have tried to disable the CachingURICoplet cache (moreover since i have not 
understood how to change it form configuration parameters i have modified the 
CachingURICopletAdapter.java class) but i doesn't work again.

Have you any idea?

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